So here is the thing.... We might as well take this journey together right?

Im thinking a blog will be a good way to keep everyone updated on what we are doing and where we are going. Currently we have a very small wedding scheduled in July as a trial run. We are accepting those will small ceremonies in mind to come and check out the space and see what you think. Our first wedding will be having a small tent reception on the lawn and we will of course post photos when it happens. We are close to other reception venues but we do LOVE a white tent reception.

So far we have just been clearing up down there and "primping" a bit. Soon it will be tractor time and we will level out the first proposed site so we can have the benches and or chairs rest more easily. Don't worry though we are only naturally landscaping so it will still be wild rain forrest!

This is just before and after of the weeding and raking lots more to do!  Sorry I didn't get better photos! Next time. If you have a good imagination you can see how lovely it will be. Also its bigger than it looks!